How to extract pain points & goals suggestions from your competitors

Build more real "Personas" quickly with the inspiration of your competition in seconds.
Written by GETitOUT Support
Updated 1 year ago

Find suggestions & ideas to build real and efficient Buyer Personas based on your competitors.

Why? Your competitors have gone a step further, they are following marketing strategies that work for them, it is an excellent inspiration to know who your competition is targeting, have new approaches, even find better prospects.

Learn in 1-minute how to extract pain points & goals suggestions from your competitors' website: 📌

Easy step-by-step:

  • Enter the details of your Buyer Persona

  • Click Extract Information

  • Copy your competitor's website link

    • Make sure the URL is complete (https://)

    • Enter URL in English language (for the moment)

    • Don't put in links from URL Shorteners.

    • Put direct links only.

    • Make sure you’re visiting official pages, so the information you get is reliable.

  • Click on Extract & Watch the magic.

Get pain points & goals that your competitor uses on their website, deselect those you don't want and add the rest with one click. Repeat the process as many times as you want and speed up your Buyer Personas X3.

Pro Tip: 💡 Install GETitOUT’s Browser Extension and have the information you need always at hand when working on your other favorite marketing tools.

This will help you create effective marketing materials and texts (landing pages, flyers, presentations, emails, etc.) or make cohesive adjustments to your strategy based on actual data from your customers or even competitors.

Take the guesswork out of your workflow and start working smarter with the Browser Extension (available for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge).

That's it!

Any questions? Shoot us an email: [email protected]
We will be here to help you. 🙌🏻

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